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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Autumn Gold

I'm getting these pics posted a bit late... Last year I posted the golden asters at the end of September...

 Camphorweed (Heterotheca subaxillaris)

 Slender scratch daisy (Croptilon divaricatum)

 Goldenasters (Chrysopsis gossypina)

Helianthus angustifolius

Mexican sunflower (tithonia rotundifolia)

solidago rugosa

Yellow Wingstem (verbesina)

Ok... Not gold, but autumn is when the tibouchina shine... 
Unfortunately, tibouchina doesn't seem to be attractive to the pollinators... And while that purple bloom was a show stopper the first time I saw it... over the years... it's kinda lost some appeal... 

Tibouchina is easy to propagate, I shoved some cuttings in the sand one year... and it seems to thrive in my garden... that cold spell last winter didn't faze it at all.

Got 2 inches of rain, and autumn temps.

TV for cats...

Yall know that's a tomato... don't cha?


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