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Monday, February 11, 2013

Signs of Spring

Sorry to everybody that is in the path of the blizzard, terrible weather this winter...

Spring is on the way, I snapped some pictures yesterday... to prove it...

Pear Blossoms

Creeping Phlox  


 Carolina Jessemine

Bridal Wreath Spirea

Even the Columbines are sending up bloom-stalks!

Here's something impressive... The peppers are sending up new growth from last seasons roots!

The cat doesn't mind the cold.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The New Year

My apologies for the length of time since my last post. I've had the pictures, but not a way to upload.
Working from the library computer today, but let's keep it our secret.

Frost Bloom on Verbesina

Evening Primrose seedpods
I saw a bird eating seed out of these... but wasn't quick enough with the shutter.

Fava bean blossoms 

The Hellebore are blooming... 

These little yellow warblers made an appearance, scratched up my flower seeds out of the beds, and then left for parts unknown. Cute...

I had a yard full of butterflies today, but when I fetched the camera... couldn't get any of them to say "cheese".


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