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Sunday, April 20, 2014

April Flowers

First time I noticed this shrub... Seems to be a viburnum rufidulum.

The Helianthemums are blooming... Last year, I was calling these Helianthemum Carolinium. Now... Ima call them Helianthemum georgianum.

The buckeye shrubs are looking good.

The columbine are spectacular! I'm working on new beds inside the wire for the hybrids, and the Canadian columbines are fixing to get moved into the yard.

Hawthorn (above) and mock orange (below).

Last year the voles got my seeds as quickly as I could plant them... this year... I thought I might get the seeds to come up... These few containers worked so well that I planted 4 dozen more... only to see the birds eat all the sprouting seeds...

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Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I have a theory about compost... 
Seems like a lot of weed seeds are ending up in the pile... And spreading the compost simply plants weeds all over the garden...

What about piling the weed pile in a section of the garden where the veggies don't grow well, and after the compost happens, level the pile where it sits?

Then... 90% of the seeds will be buried... just like God does it... and you only have to pull the weeds from the top layer...

These magenta spreen (growing in the freshly spread compost), are ready to eat...

Saw a hummingbird today, visiting the coral honeysuckle...

Sulphur yellow visiting the eastern columbine...

The iris are starting to bloom...

As is the wild indigo (Baptisia lanceolata).... This indigo is a natural... was here when I got here...

The kudzu bugs have found my fava beans...

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