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Thursday, July 18, 2019


When I cleared paths through the thicket, a lot of deerberry (Vaccinium stamineum) bushes came back.

People walking on my paths... ask me if these are blueberries... same family... but different.

After the berries colour up... I pick and eat by the handsfull...
When I search deerberry, to see what other people say about them... their assessment seems mostly negative... on the order of ... eaten by wildlife... and that's all their worth...

I beg to differ.
when The berries are ripe... very tasty...

But... they don't all ripen at once like blueberries... picking these is like picking mahonia berries... a few ripen at a time... gotta visit a buncha different bushes each day.

It's worth it, though.
Eaten fresh, it's like a burst of taste in your mouth... they're so fruity that it's almost like perfume...

I finally got around to making pancakes... tasted like blueberry pancakes... with an occasional burst of flavour.



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