today's perennial blooms
These pretty woodland flowers have underground stolons, and with most plants, that would be a huge warning sign to avoid... Chinese foxglove doesn't overwhelm the garden though... Seeming instead to move around, always looking for a different venue, and dieing out in the location where it was so pretty last year. I'm not sure what this roamer is searching for, but it's certainly pretty, and doesn't require any special attention... except to be allowed to move around a bit.
The first of the louisiana iris... They do very poorly in the dry sand hill garden. Louisiana iris are normally a wetland plant, growing naturally in the Louisiana swamplands... But it grows very well in any good garden soil... and... I have managed to keep it alive in the dry sand without extra water!

The mckana's giant columbine... Aquelegia caerula
I grow an assortment of columbines, they do fine in the dry sand, and in any semi shaded garden... I've found that they didn't like being in a wetland garden, but pretty much anywhere else, they make a carefree plant for a few years... fortunately, they make up for their short life-spans by coming up easily from seed.
And finally, another wild flower native to the sand hills... Hoary puccoon, Lithospermum canescens ... This guy has a short bloom time, but it certainly adds pizazz to the meadow...
Labels: Spring flowers