Merry Christmas
I have hellebore blooming... Last year, nobody had any blooms until the middle of January.
It's been a beautiful Autumn, the rains finally came, and with moderate temps, everything has been growing like mad. We're still deeply in a deficit rain-wise, last summer was as bad as I can remember and we've had a series of droughty years, each one seeming worse than the previous.
I've been adding a coupla truckloads of horse poop a week to the garden since August, and that helps a lot also.

What's not to love about hellebore?
It's been a beautiful Autumn, the rains finally came, and with moderate temps, everything has been growing like mad. We're still deeply in a deficit rain-wise, last summer was as bad as I can remember and we've had a series of droughty years, each one seeming worse than the previous.
I've been adding a coupla truckloads of horse poop a week to the garden since August, and that helps a lot also.

These guys didn't get a drop of extra water in the bottomless sand over the summer, and they are the best looking lenten rose in the area.
The drought was so bad last summer that I didn't get anything from the vegetable garden!

The vegetable garden is doing much better, thanks.

The vegetable garden is doing much better, thanks.
I grow it for those leaves...
Labels: hellebore, winter garden