Winter Chores
There's a lot of gardening to be done in the winter here in zone 8.
Number 1 on anybodys list:
Locate a source of manure!
It is really important to be specific about it being in a pile!
Amazingly, people will often tell us that they have all that we could want... When we get there.... they point out to the pasture.... give us permission to scoop it up behind the animals!
I don't let them load it for me. I have tailgate damage from the last time that someone used their front end loader to load my truck.
2. Thining
If you're lucky enough to have a wooded lot, winter is an excellent time to assess the health of your trees.
With the leaves gone, we can see how the trees are shaped.
Do some look mishapen? Do the smaller ones have a clear way to the sky, or have they stopped putting on top growth because of larger trees?
Are they leaning toward the light?
With these thoughts in mind, now is the time to consider getting out the chainsaw.
3. Soilwork.
The soil doesn't freeze in the deep south, thus making winter the ideal time for soil prep & bed creation.
It goes immediately into summer here, with temps in the 90's from March on.... Rain is scarce, thus creating baked hard soil that is impervious to pick or shovel. In the winter, it finally rains, loosening the soil, making shovel-work possible.