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Sunday, January 30, 2011

What's blooming today?

The hellebore seem slow getting started... While the blooms begin appearing in December, they're terribly far and few between...

It's the end of January, and I have some blooms... I certainly appreciate that... I'm impatiently checking all of my patches searching for colour!

This is a nice green one... I know someone that actually wants an entire patch of green blooms... I'd previously felt like there was something wrong when the bloom didn't colour up better... I've gained some perspective on that... It's genetic... You get what you get when you grow stuff from seed...

Here's a sweet plant...

Some people collect miniature daylilies, I suspect that miniature hellebores could well become collectible soon also.

Here's one with red spots...

And a sorta pink one.

I should mention that it was so dry last summer that ALL of my vegetables died....
These guys didn't get a drop of water, and while all the hellebore looked wilted, everybody pulled through like champs! Hellebore make excellent plants for dry shade...

Oh man, there's nobody home...
I am seeing the wrens acting interested in nesting sites... This nest is from last year, but I expect I'll be seeing new ones soon...


Monday, January 10, 2011


hellebore flowerIt's been that uncolourful period of the year, between the killing frosts of December, and the first blooms of January... Nothing to shoot with the camera except seedpods and berries...

Yesterday, I finally got a pic of a hellebore bloom!

today, I shot the bloom encased in ice...

Won't hurt the bloom though, hellebore are as tough as nails....

summer clematis

Shot a clematis show yesterday before the storm.... Summer clematis

The towhees show up nicely against the ice...

These pics are all clickable.

One last snow picture....


Friday, December 17, 2010


Brought out a house...
Put blocks under it... put in a septic tank...

Started planting trees around it... still need to add solar panels...


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Monarch butterfly

Monarch on lantana

monarch & tropical milkweed animated gif

Monarch & tropical milkweed.



Monday, July 20, 2009

Mid July

Butterflies, lizards and flowers from the moon garden. click butterflies & lizards for larger pictures (opens in a new window)

3 gulf fritillary butterflies & buckeye butterfly
gulf fritillaries

2 zebra swallowtails
zebra swallowtails

painted lady butterfly on echinacea
painted lady butterfly on echinacea

buckeye butterfly
buckeye butterfly

Takes caterpillars to have butterflies, and they have very specific dietary requirements.... In this day & age of endless turf, we all should grow
butterfly host plants   << click the link

It's no longer possible to depend on the vacant lot down the street to supply us with butterflies for our flower garden.

little gray lizard
little gray lizard
AKA Eastern Fence Lizard

striped lizard
striped lizard
AKA Six-lined Racerunner

These lizards are helpful in the garden, They will occassionally dash out in front of me to grab bugs... I've even had them hang out next to the campfire eating termites while I made coffee & pancakes!

I was reading at the baker creek forum (http://idigmygarden.com/forums) where somebody had a squash bug eatin horned toad!

Obviously, you wouldn't have butterflies or lizards in so-called "traditional" chemical gardening...

Here's a couple taken at dusk from the moon garden.

flashlight bush
flashlight bush

gourd blooms
gourd blooms


Monday, June 15, 2009

The June Garden

Everything is blooming!

What were these veggies doing in my flowers?


Monday, December 29, 2008

winter colour

First Bloom... I grew this camellia from seed.... My camellia bushes traveled with me from GA to TN, and back...


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