Winter Rain
We are in a deficit for rain this year, just a few weeks in... We were seriously hurting last year...
Seeing any kind of clouds in the sky is a hopeful event.
Seeing any kind of clouds in the sky is a hopeful event.
This looks very good...
It's coming! Rain!
Lots of rain! Raindrops hitting the rainwater that fell faster than the thirsty sand could absorb it...
Raindrops on the winter burned golden rod.
An inch and a quarter of rain in a single storm...
The rain Gods were very kind.
Congratulations on your rain, I know how welcome it must be. After the second driest summer on record, we're now having one of the wettest winters. Maybe the tides will turn for you too...
Thanks Julie...
I was reading your post from September, when the rains finally started for you, I was impressed that you knew the winged stem... It grows a few places around Macon Ga, but those stupid mowers...
Stone, Can you put in a word so we get some snow? It's awful brown and green up here... Fantastic pics. Is that your property surrounded by bush? I'm jealous. E
The rain Gods are fickle.... I hate snow, I'm not the person to ask about the frozen stuff...
Thanks, I thought the rain showed up well too.
The bush is the property, but yeah.
Yeah rain! I am hoping for a good rain for us today in south Texas. We are still stuck in our drought. I'm keeping fingers crossed.
Yay rain!
I'll cross my fingers too. Y'all had it even worse than we did...
Thanks for visiting Lisa...
I'll come visit your blog...
My comment went away ... Anyway, try again. Not too bad. Try the Night Mode on your camera like the comment I left on my post, even though it is not night yet. Also, on the drops in the puddles, try Sports mode. It will catch them when they fountain. I hope they work, I never tried them, but seems sensible for the shutter speed and ISO preset.
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